√ Deposit guarantee system of the Republic of Armenia was founded in 2003. Deposit guarantee system is one of the key components ensuringcountry's financial system stability and development.
√ The Deposit Guarantee Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) was established by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia in 2005 as a non-profit legal entity,operations of which are regulated by thelaw “On Guarantee of remuneration of banking deposits of physical persons” (hereinafter referred to as the Law). The activities of the Fund contribute to the increase of public confidence in the banking system of the Republic of Armenia, as well as to the protection of the interests of depositors having little knowledge of the financial sphere.
Management bodies of the Fund are the Board of Trustees and the Directorof the Fund.
√ All 18 banks functioning in Armenia are members of the Deposit guarantee system.